Saturday, October 1, 2011

The First Entry woooohoo

Dear Monique,

Well it looks like blogs are all the rage right now! It was funny because I was trying to figure out something to do for you, and the day after I decided hey why not blo my life away online, ta-daa, you texted me with your blog information! Great minds darling, great minds!

I decided to make this blog for you, so that when you get married at the end of the year, you will be able to keep up with whats going on over here with the family, the baby and church among whatever else I can come up with :P I decided to go ahead and start it now, because with me working all the time, and you working and getting wedding plans sorted we barely see each other as it is.

As the first post there wont be much on here, but I will add some more soon and of course pictures of the princess. (The baby, not you ;)

I wanted to also tell you congratulations. It has been (and still is) really rough for me to think of you moving away in just a couple short months. You have always been there for me and my family, and you are one of my closest friends. I just dont know what I am going to do without you.  I love you so much, and although sometimes I might get emotional about you leaving I need you to know that I am BEYOND excited and happy for you. You are going to love marriage Monique, its got its ups and downs as everything in life does, but I have to say it was the best decision I made in my life besides becoming a Christian.

We love you.


Monique Rice said...

Awwww. This is perfect.

You better keep up on it >:D

Love you.

Patti said...

ooooh, look at that little princess, what a doll1 Can't wait to get to meet you too! :)

Lori said...

I love sister posts - they are soooo special!!! Your little girl is beautiful!!

Mariah said...

Hi Korina!

Surprise! I'm reading you too! Hope you don't mind.:-) Click on my name and you can find my blog..I update it off and on. Hopefully I'll be more on the off with it this fall. You know Claressa is getting married too, right? Brittney is in your boat. Her sister/best friend is moving here after their wedding in November. It's hard, but it's all good.

Letters to you said...

Monique - of course I will darling :D

Lori - Thank you!

Mariah - HI!! Its all good itsnot a private journal, its for friends and family to see whatss going on over here as well, Im hoping my grandparents take advantage of it too! I am now a follower of you :D This is fun, blogs are cool :P