Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Crystal World

Dear Momo,

Well here I am at work (the crystal shop) we dont close for another 30 min and I have finished all my chores, we made sales goal and I made my personal goal, so its a good day at Swarovski. Only real bummer is I have to go to Walgreens tonight to pull grave. I pull grave all this week. Pulling it off isnt so hard really, I just hate working. You know me. All i wanna do is be a stay at home mommy and maybe work occassionally. But such is life I guess.

But I can moan and groan about work all day long but I am grateful for the jobs. Not too much has been happening I mostly slept today cuz I worked all last night. I dont work during the day tomorrow at Swarovski so Im pretty excited about having a few extra hours to my self and the baby in the morning. We got tge picures from the picture shop of the baby they are so cute, mommy has your wallet picture.

Ariella is so cute, when Chris comes home from school shes usually in her swing (cuz Im usually crashed out) and he goes over to her to say hi, she gets a huge grin. Bigger than the picture. She has started to make squeling noises too when she is super excited haha. its pretty cute.

Thats her smile when Chris was talking to her at the store yesterday.

Looking right at you Auntie!!

She hasnt started to crawl yet but shes getting stronger. She doesnt like laying down much anymore she wants to be upright so she can see the world. I took her outside this morning when I got off work to go pay rent and she was so drawn to all the colors of the trees. She kept whipping her head back and forth to try and take everything in. Before you leave, we need to do one of those recordable books for her. Its basically a book that you record yourself reading, and it reads to her in your voice :) Im going to have grandma do one too, shes pretty excited about it.

Well I still want to check out your blog so Im gonna head out. I love you, cant wait to see you tomorrow at church :D

1 comment:

Monique Rice said...

Awwww shes adorable!

Hey you need to make time to hang out with me.

You only got me for so much longer


lots of love